Worth the effort – on foot
Excellent viewing from both sides of the track all the way up to the Tertre Rouge Corner. The Esses is a good photo location as the cars swoop on up to Tertre Rouge.

There are two ways to get to the inside of the track in this area. The first is to carry on “up” the inside of the circuit from the Village. i.e turn left when you come out of the tunnel from the main Entrance. Or the second - you can stay on the airfield/ museum side of the track and just keep on walking ‘til you get about 100m from Tertre Rouge Corner where there is a tunnel under the circuit.  From this foot tunnel it is only a very short 300m walk to the 1st Tickets Premier Vert site.

DISTANCE - Start Line to Tertre Rouge is about 20-25 minutes walking time.

NOTE – You can exit the circuit here, at the Tertre Rouge Pedestrian Entrance, and catch the tram into Town or get off here on the way back – STOP is GUETTELOUP – POLE SANTE SUD, last stop before Terminus ANTARES. 

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